Registration for examinations in FlexNow is possible
Deregistration in FlexNow is possible until two weeks before the exam. In general, each module examination can be deregistered twice in the course of study.
Deviating registration and deregistration deadlines will be announced in the course.
Compulsory registrations for the compulsory courses will automatically be made by the Examination Office. This means that if a compulsory subject has not been passed, cancelled or failed or a medical certificate has been submitted, an automatic registration for the next attempt will take place in the next semester. An automatic registration also takes place if the compulsory modules were not taken independently in the 2nd or 3rd semester.
The first semester students need to register for all exams in FlexNow independently within the registration period.
In the compulsory optional courses part, courses with a max. scope of 40 credit points can be selected. If you want to register for more compulsory optional subjects, please select these subjects as optional courses. You have the possibility to shift a compulsory optional course from one section to another at any time by writing an informal e-mail to the Examination Office.
A maximum of three examination attempts are permitted.
Applications for disadvantage compensation must be submitted to the Examination Office during the registration phase via e-mail.
In case of illness, restoring your health is more important than the exam. Please only take part in an examination if you feel able to do so in terms of your health.
A doctor's certificate must be submitted to report illness for an examination. Please use only the form Proof of the Inability to take Examination. Certificates of incapacity for work will not be accepted.
Attestations must be sent digitally via e-mail from your RUB e-mail account (as a scan of the fully completed form) to the Examinations Office immediately after the relevant examination, but no later than one week after the examination date.
In case a written examination has not been passed, a complementary oral examination in the form of an interview can be offered, but only after the second examination attempt has not been passed.
If you would like to take the oral supplementary examination, please register with the examiner no later than one week after the examination inspection.
You have the opportunity to improve your grade in three subjects. Please choose these subjects wisley.
If you would like to use an improvement attempt, please inform the Examination Office by e-mail during the regular examination registration phase which modules you would like to register for an improvement attempt.
The Examination Office will register the improvement attempts for you in FlexNow.
You can only improve, in case you get a lower grade for the improvement attempt, the grade from the first attempt counts.
Please note that in total not only 120 credits have to be fulfilled, but also the required credits have to be completed in all course areas:
A maximum of 40 credits is possible in the compulsory optional area; there is nolimit in the optional area.
To calculate the overall grade achieved in the Master’s program a weighted average should be found. In the calculation of the overall grade the module grades from the compulsory courses are counted with a factor of 1.0, the grades from the compulsory optional courses are counted with a factor of 1.5 and the grade from the Master’s thesis is counted with a factor of 2.0. Decimal values are rounded to the first place after the decimal.
For a value